Join us for a public seminar hosted by the Interdisciplinary Health and Environment Leadership Development (IHE-LeaD) program. Katy Graham, President’s postdoctoral researcher and incoming assistant professor in civil and environmental engineering, will give her talk entitled “Wastewater-based Epidemiology for Public Health: The Covid-19 Pandemic and Beyond.”
The event will start at 2:30 pm with coffee, snacks, and conversation. The seminar talk will begin at 3 pm.
Seminar Background: The Interdisciplinary Health and Environment Leadership Development (IHE-LeaD) program at GT facilitates impact-driven exchange and training at the intersection of human and environmental health. Seminar speakers present their work on impact-driven research at the intersection of IHE, and discuss opportunities for translate their work into actions with public impact and visibility. Sign up for the IHE seminars email list to receive regular updates (contact Gabi Steinbach: gsteinbach6@gatech.edu).
About Katy: Katherine (Katy) Graham is a President’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech. Her research focuses on the fate, transport, and control of waterborne pathogens in natural and engineered environments. Current projects include the utilization of sewage for infectious disease surveillance and use of metagenomic tools for microbial source tracking in the environment. She received her PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering from Stanford University in 2021 and will start as an assistant professor in CEE at Georgia Tech in 2023.