Undergraduate Minor in Chemistry and Biochemistry
A minor in chemistry and biochemistry is available to all non-biochemistry and non-chemistry majors.
The School of Chemistry and Biochemistry provides many courses that are of interest to students from the Schools of Biology, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering, and students pursuing pre-health tracks. These students develop greater interest in chemistry while taking these courses and the proposed minor provides a means to enhance their knowledge in a structured and documented manner. Given the multi-disciplinary nature of science and engineering today, the option to pursue more in-depth study outside of the major in a manner documented on their transcripts will benefit graduates as they enter a competitive, global, and diverse workforce.
The minor is likely to be highly attractive to students to apply to medical, pharmacy, dental schools, and graduate schools.
Information about this minor can be found here: CHBC Minor Requirements
Students interested in this minor should contact Dr. Hui Zhu (hui.zhu@chemistry.gatech.edu).
Undergraduate Minor in Health and Medical Sciences (multidisciplinary)
The minor includes requirements for courses that cut across disciplines. These courses are intended to add breadth of knowledge in areas outside the student’s major but important to health programs and careers in medical research. This multidisciplinary Health and Medical Sciences minor focuses on the science surrounding health and medicine. This is a multidisciplinary minor associated with all Schools in the College of Sciences. It is not linked with any existing major program. Students from any Georgia Tech major may participate in the Health & Medical Sciences Minor.
To complete the 15 credit Health & Medical Sciences Minor, students will be required take a minimum of 9 credits of classes from at least two schools other than their home school (i.e., classes with School designators--APPH, BIOL, CHEM, PHYS, PSYC-- other than their major School designator) and a maximum of 6 credits from their home unit. All classes used to fulfill the Health & Medical Sciences Minor must be chosen from the approved list of health-related courses (see GT catalog).
See also the GT Catalog for the Health and Medical Science minor: click here
Students interested in pursuing this minor should contact their academic advisor.
Undergraduate Minor in Energy Systems (multidisciplinary)
This minor requires courses that cut across disciplines. They are intended to add breadth of knowledge in areas outside the student’s major but important to energy systems. A terminal “capstone” or project course provides an opportunity for students from multiple disciplines to work together in teams on a significant project in the energy area.
The breadth courses and the capstone project course, taken by all students completing the minor, require one or more pre-requisites; specifically, basic economics, mathematics, and lab science courses.
See the GT Catalog for further details on the Energy Systems minor: click here