See below for an alphabetical list of the School’s tenure-track, instructional, adjunct, and emeritus faculty. Descriptions of areas of interest of research-active faculty can be found here by interdisciplinary research themes and here by traditional sub disciplines.

Michael Evans

Senior Academic Professional, Director of First-year Chemistry

Specifications grading in organic chemistry; applications of technology in the organic chemistry classroom; mechanistic reasoning in introductory organic chemistry courses.

Chris Haines

Academic Professional

Organic Chemistry, Synthetic Chemistry, Methodology, Electrochemistry, Catalysis

Mioy Huynh

Academic Professional

Inclusive, student-centered learning environment in introductory chemistry courses; creation of digital content and applications of technology to support in-class learning

Kenyetta Johnson Taylor

Director of Graduate Studies

Organic and biological chemistry

Anh Le

Academic Professional

Physical chemistry

Christy O'Mahony

Senior Academic Professional

Analytical chemistry, instrumental analysis, integration of chemical safety education with lab curriculum, guided inquiry learning.

Mary E. Peek

Principal Academic Professional

Biochemistry, biochemical education, spectroscopy, biophysical chemistry, laboratory simulations, team-based projects, problem-based learning, project-based learning, and active learning strategies that promote critical thinking and the development of chemical intuition

Pamela Pollet

Senior Research Scientist

Organic chemistry, synthetic methodologies, flow chemistry, green chemistry & sustainability, undergraduate research & chemical education.

Anthony Rojas

Academic Professional

Developing inclusive pedagogical practices for chemistry instruction. Designing educational activities that promote active learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills through guided inquiry. Organometallic chemistry, bioconjugation, and synthetic research.

Deborah Santos

Academic Professional

Chemical and science education, organic chemistry. Scientific practice development and engagement in the general chemistry laboratory and their relationship to beliefs on science identity, nature of science, and chemistry mindset.

Carrie Shepler

Principal Academic Professional and Assistant Dean for Teaching Effectiveness

Chemical education

Cameron Tyson

Principal Academic Professional and Assistant Dean for Academic Programs, College of Sciences

Organic chemistry; Semester abroad programs in Chemistry and Biochemistry

Hui Zhu

Senior Academic Professional

Biochemistry, organic chemistry, problem-based learning, project-based learning.