Course Offerings
The full catalog of Undergraduate-level Chemistry Course Offerings with course descriptions can be found on the official GT Catalog.
A listing of Undergraduate-level Chemistry Courses and the schedule by which they are offered can be found here. This schedule is unofficial and subject to change.
In addition to the list above, you can check the Schedule of Classes in Buzzport from previous semesters for specific times/days when classes have been offered in the past. While the schedule can change in any given semester, previous class schedules can provide a rough estimate for future course schedules. Look for CHEM Courses for any semester prior to Spring 2020.
Departmental Contacts
CHEM 1211K, 1212K, and 1310: Dr. Michael Evans (
CHEM 1315 – 6XXX: Dr. Pamela Pollet (
CHEM 2698/9 and 4698/9: Approval for undergraduate research is required following a meeting with your faculty advisor; see this link to request a permit: Undergraduate Research Course Permits. The number of credits for these courses can vary and should be specified during the approval process. See the guidelines for enrolling in variable-credit courses for more information.
Requesting Permits Online (Preferred)
Permits can be requested online. This is the fastest and preferred option.
- Log into Buzzport
- On the Home tab locate the "Registration and Student Services" channel
- Select the "Registration - OSCAR" link
- Select "Student Services & Financial Aid"
- Select "Registration"
- Select "Registration Override Request"
CHEM 1211K, CHEM 1212K, and CHEM 1310
Departmental Contact: Dr. Michael Evans (
These courses are offered without major and class restrictions in spring semesters (CHEM 1211K, 1212K, and 1310) and summer semesters (CHEM 1212K and 1310 only).
CHEM 1211K: Chemical Principles I
This course is open only to first-year students until 12:00 pm the Friday before classes begin each fall semester. Permits are not available to continuing students. First-year students in the following majors and students in other majors who declared pre-health intent when they deposited may register during any FASET session: AOS, BCHM, BIO, BMED, CHBE, CHEM, EAS, ENVS, MSE, NEUR, PSY, SEP, UCS, UEC. All other first-year students may register after 5:00 pm on the Thursday before classes begin in the fall.
Lecture and lab sections must be added at the same time; lecture and lab cannot be taken separately. This course is offered with no major or class restrictions each spring semester. It is not offered in summer sessions.
In fall semesters, section B02 is restricted to Chemistry and Biochemistry majors, section B24 is restricted to Explore LLC students, and section HP4 is restricted to Honors Program students.
CHEM 1212K: Chemical Principles II
Approximately 60 seats are open to continuing students in the following majors during phase I registration for fall each year: AOS, BCHM, BIO, BMED, CHBE, CHEM, EAS, ENVS, MSE, NEUR, PSY, SEP, UCS, UEC. Once FASET sessions begin in June, the course is open only to first-year students until 5:00 pm on the Friday before classes begin each fall. Permits are not available to continuing students during this time. First-year students in the following majors and students in other majors who declared pre-health intent when they deposited may register during any FASET session: AOS, BCHM, BIO, BMED, CHBE, CHEM, EAS, ENVS, MSE, NEUR, PSY, SEP, UCS, UEC. All other first year students may register after 5:00 pm on the Thursday before classes begin in the fall.
Lecture and lab sections must be added at the same time; lecture and lab cannot be taken separately. This course is offered with no major or class restrictions (except for specific sections; see below) each spring and summer semester.
In fall semesters, section B02 is restricted to Chemistry and Biochemistry majors, section B27 is restricted to Explore LLC students, and section H27 is restricted to Honors Program students.
In spring semesters, section B02 is restricted to Chemistry and Biochemistry majors, section A04 is restricted to Explore LLC students, and section H04 is restricted to Honors Program students.
CHEM 1310: General Chemistry
This course is open only to first-year students until 12:00 pm on the Friday before classes begin each fall. Permits are not available to continuing students. First-year students in the following majors may register during any FASET session: AE, APHY, CE, CMPE, CS, EE, ENVE, IE, ME, NEUR, NRE, PHYS, UEC. All other first year students may register after 5:00 pm on the Thursday before classes begin in the fall.
Lecture and lab sections must be added at the same time; lecture and lab cannot be taken separately. This course is offered with no major or class restrictions each spring and summer semester.
CHEM 1315 through CHEM 6XXX
Departmental Contact: Dr. Pamela Pollet (
STARTING FALL 2023: CHEM 4511 & 4512 course numbers have been phased out - The course numbers for Biochemistry 1 and 2 are now 3521 and 3522, respectively.
CHEM 2380
Sections A01 (88178) and B06 (88191): No major restrictions. Open to all majors.
Section A02 (88179): CHEM/BCHM major restricted until Phase 2.
Section B01 (88186): CHEM/BCHM major restricted for the first week of registration
All other sections are restricted to CHEM, BCHM, BIO, CHBE, NEUR. Major Restrictions on these sections will be removed after first week of registration, specific date TBD. No permit will be granted.
CHEM 6501, 6502, 6481, 6572 and 6573
Theses courses will be major restricted CHEM/BCHM until Phase 2. Restriction will be removed on TBD.
Pre-requisites for upper classes are NOT waived. Requests will be considered in rare cases, with exceptional and documented circumstances. Please contact departmental contact (Dr. Pamela Pollet ;
CHEM 2601: Class restricted to freshman and sophomore. Class restrictions not removed. For permit, contact: Class restricted to CHEM, BCHM majors. Major restriction not removed.
CHEM 2214: Must be registered for lecture (2214 AB) and lab section together. Class is restricted to CHEM and BCHM majors. Major restrictions not removed.
CHEM 2311: No restriction.
CHEM 2311 STUDIO SECTION: No restriction. The CHEM 2311-STUDIO section is an in-person, technology-enhanced blended course. This is not an online course. It covers the same material as other sections and follows a comparable assessment and grading structure. The course fulfills requirements for advancing to Organic Chemistry 2, preparing for the MCAT, engaging in experiential activities (such as undergraduate research, internships, or co-ops), and applying to professional health schools or advanced courses. In this blended format, the course meets once a week for 75 minutes. Attendance and participation in these sessions are graded, just like in other sections. The course is designed to offer flexibility and incorporate high-impact practices while minimizing its impact on students' weekly schedules. Despite this, it maintains the rigor and breadth of concepts covered. On-campus support, including office hours, recitations, and the walk-in organic desk, is available to all organic chemistry students. The final exam will include the National ACS (American Chemical Society) exam.
CHEM 2312/3: No restriction.
CHEM 2380: Must registered for one lab section. Section A06 restricted to CHEM, BCHM. Major restriction removed in phase 2 registration.
All other sections are restricted to CHEM, BCHM, BIO, CHBE, NEUR. Major Restriction on these sections will be removed on date indicated above.
CHEM 2698/99: Approval required class. See link above.
CHEM 3111: No restriction.
CHEM 3216 & 3216L: Must registered for Lecture (3216A) and lab section together (3216L). Class is restricted to CHEM, BCHM majors. Major restrictions not removed.
CHEM 3371: Class is restricted to BCHM majors. Major restrictions not removed.
CHEM 3380: Class is restricted to CHEM majors. Major restrictions not removed.
CHEM 3411: Class is restricted to BCHM, CHEM, ENVE, MSE majors. Major restrictions not removed. For permit, contact: or submit a permit request at:
CHEM 3412: No restriction.
CHEM 3481: Class is restricted to CHEM majors. Major restrictions not removed. For students pursuing a minor, please request a permit online (via Buzzport) or emailing
CHEM 3511: No restriction.
CHEM 3700: No restriction.
CHEM 4311: No restriction.
CHEM 4341: No restriction.
CHEM 3521: No restriction.
CHEM 3522: No restriction.
CHEM 4521: Class is restricted to CHEM, BCHM majors. Major restrictions not removed.
CHEM 4581: No restriction.
CHEM 4582: No restriction.
CHEM 4601: No restriction.
CHEM 4698/9: Approval required class. See link above.
CHEM 4740: No restriction.
CHEM 48XX (special topics): Variable. Permit request: email
Wait Lists
There is an active wait list for all lab sections of CHEM 1211K, 1212K, and 1310 and for most other CHEM courses. You must meet the registration guidelines listed above to be on a wait list. Essentially, wait lists can be used only in an attempt to register for a section for which you are eligible but has no seats. You may not be registered for one section of lab and on the wait list for another.
You must register for a lecture and a lab section simultaneously for all of our courses. You may not register for the lecture section (even if there are seats open) if there is no lab seat available to you.
You will receive an automated email if you are first on a wait list for a lab in which a seat opens. You need to:
- Log into Oscar and go to the "add/drop classes" page under the registration tab.
- Type in the CRN for the lecture section in one of the boxes at the bottom of the page (if a seat is open in a lab section, then there will also be a seat in a corresponding lecture). Then, use the dropdown box next to the lab section to select "register" for the lab section. Submit both changes at the same time.