The School Leadership and the Research Faculty Advisory Council (RFAC) of the GT College of Sciences (CoS), welcomes you to out vibrant community of postdocs and research scientists in Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Navigating an institution as large, complex, and ever evolving as GT can be challenging, both for postdocs (PD)/research faculty (RF) like yourself and their PIs/postdoctoral mentors. Please connect with the RFAC to link up with a community of postdocs and research faculty beyond your PI’s research group. This page contains some information to guide you to official GT resources. The RFAC host a Slack workspace and periodic town halls for our community members. Find out more about RFAC and being involved at: or email us at

Here are some resources we find particularly helpful:

Connect with the CoS PD/RF community

  • Slack for PD/RF: https://join.Slack.Com/t/gtcosresearch-xzh2822/signup/
  • Town halls for PD/RF are announced on the RF Slack and by email.  
  • Attention: Join the RF Slack to ensure you receive announcements! GT listservs may be problematic, especially if you are classified as affiliate.

GT email and software

Get help from faculty affairs, postdoctoral services, or the CoS PD/RF liaison

GT human resources (HR) and program/university training courses