May 11, 2022 - Atlanta, GA
The following members of the Tech community were honored at the 2022 Faculty and Staff Honors Luncheon on Friday, April 29. See photos from this year's event.
Georgia Tech Chapter Sigma Xi Awards
Best Faculty Paper Award
Roman Grigoriev
Professor, Physics
Nga Lee (Sally) Ng
Associate Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Young Faculty Award
Samuel Coogan
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Diyi Yang
Assistant Professor, Interactive Computing
Sustained Research Award
Dimitri Mavris
Regents Professor, Aerospace Systems Design Lab
Institute Research Awards
Outstanding Achievement in Research Enterprise Enhancement
Michelle Wong
Assistant Director, Business Operations, Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience
Outstanding Achievement in Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Research
Cassie Mitchell
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Outstanding Achievement in Early Career Research Award
Matthew McDowell
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Outstanding Achievement in Research Innovation Award
Natalie Stingelin-Stutzmann
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Advisor Award
Manos Tentzeris
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Outstanding Faculty Research Author Award
Zhiqun Lin
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Outstanding Achievement in Research Program Development Award
RADX TEAM (The Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics)
Oliver Brand
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hang Chen
Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology
Sarah Farmer
Research Scientist I, Center for Advanced Communications Policy
David Gottfried
Regents Researcher, Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology
David Ku
Regents Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Wilbur Lam
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Amanda Peagler
Research Scientist II, Center for Advanced Communications Policy
Erika Tyburski
Program and Operations Manager, Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology
ANAK Award
Carol Senf
Professor, Literature, Media, and Communication
Joi Alexander
Director, Health Initiatives
Staff Performance Awards
Acting With Ethics First Award
Terry Lee Grumley Bridges
Unit Director, Ethics and Compliance, GTRI
Cultivating Well-Being Award
Denise Ocasio Thomas
Assistant Director, Retention Initiatives, OMED
One Small Step Award
Shandra R. Jones
Public Services Associate Lead, Library
One Giant Leap Award
Office of The Arts
Justin Camp
Theater Production Assistant, Office of the Arts
Paul D. Cottongim
Theater Production Manager, Office of the Arts
Joe T. Davis
Stage Audio Technician, Office of the Arts
Ben A. Dosta
General Operations Manager, Office of the Arts
Dorcas Louise Ford-Jones
Senior Administrative Professional, Office of the Arts
Elizabeth B. Geiger
Communications Officer I, Student Engagement and Well-Being
Rachel C. Haage
Event Coordinator II, Office of the Arts
Almelida Rene Merriewether Baker
Patron and Event Services Assistant, Office of the Arts
Holley E. Mitchell
Box Office Coordinator, Office of the Arts
Twanesia Rucker
Box Office Assistant, Office of the Arts
Aaron David Shackelford
Director, Office of the Arts
Leadership in Action Award
Kevin M. Ellis
Assistant Director, Financial Operations, Aerospace Engineering
Samuel Evans III
Fleet Services Manager, Infrastructure and Sustainability
Leading By Example in Sustainability Award
Emma C. Brodzik
Campus Sustainability Project Manager, Infrastructure and Sustainability
Rising Wreck Award
Samba Diop
Senior Digital Learning Specialist, Office of Information Technology
Service to the Community Award
Richard A. Bedell
Electrical Engineer III, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Sarah Strohmenger
Student Life Program Director, Student Engagement and Well-Being
Putting Students First Award
Laura Tyler Paige
Academic Advisor II, Parker B. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience
ChBE Academic Advising Team
Adrienne Rice Hillman
Academic Advisor II, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Ellen Murkison
Academic Advising Manager, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Ami B. Waller-Ivanecky
Academic Program Manager I, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Excellence Award
Large-Scale Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic
Ina Collins
Nursing Manager, Stamps Health Services
Benjamin Royce Holton, M.D.
Senior Director, Stamps Health Services
John W. Scuderi
Director, Health Operations, Stamps Health Services
Theron Harold Stancil III
Assistant Director, Health Systems, Stamps Health Services
Nina Lee Thoman
Pharmacy Manager, Stamps Health Services
Lettie Pate Whitehead Evans Gender Equity Award
Carol Colatrella
Associate Dean, Literature, Media, and Communications
Sybrina Atwaters
Academic Professional, Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Spirit of Georgia Tech Award
Lauren B. Evans
Program and Operations Manager, Honors Program
Robert William Hampson
Administrative Manager II, History and Sociology
Joshua E. Stewart
Communications Manager, Biomedical Engineering
Center for Teaching and Learning Award
Curriculum Innovation Awards
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Fani Boukouvala
Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Martha Grover
Chair, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
A.J. Medford
Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
J. Carson Meredith
Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
David Sholl
School Chair, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Undergraduate Educator Award
Jacqueline Garner
Senior Lecturer, Scheller College of Business
Amit S. Jariwala
Senior Academic Professional, Mechanical Engineering
Geoffrey G. Eichholz Faculty Teaching Award
Michael Evans
Senior Academic Professional, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Christie N. Stewart
Senior Academic Professional, Biological Sciences
CTL/BP Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
Katie Badura
Assistant Professor, Scheller College of Business
John James Blazeck
Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Neha Garg
Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Allen Hyde
Assistant Professor, History and Sociology
Natalie Khazaal
Assistant Professor, Modern Languages
Annabelle C. Singer
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Innovation and Excellence in Laboratory Instruction Award
Christy O’Mahony
Senior Academic Professional, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Faculty Award for Academic Outreach
James R. Sowell
Principal Academic Professional Physics
Innovation in Co-Curricular Education Award
Mary Hudachek-Buswell
Lecturer, Computing
Fisayo Omojokun
Senior Lecturer, Computing
Jake D. Soper
Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Teachinig Excellence Award for Online Teaching
Michael Evans III
Senior Academic Professional, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award
Emily G. Weigel
Senior Academic Professional, Biological Sciences
International Initiatives Award
Steven A. Denning Faculty Award for Global Engagement
Aris Georgakakos
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Faculty Honors Committee Awards
Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award
Junior Faculty
Cassie Mitchell
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Senior Faculty
Jaydev P. Desai
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Outstanding Use of Educational Technology
Aselia Urmanbetova
Academic Professional, Economics
Class of 1934 Outstanding Service Award
Pinar Keskinocak
Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Class of 1934 Outstanding Interdisciplinary Activities Award
Thomas Orlando
Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Class of 1940 W. Roane Beard Outstanding Teacher Award
Brendan Saltaformaggio
Assistant Professor, School of Cybersecurity and Privacy
Class of 1940 W. Howard Ector Outstanding Teacher Award
Carrie Shepler
Principal Academic Professional, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Class of 1934 Distinguished Professor Award
Marilyn Brown
Regents Professor, Public Policy