Mar 22, 2022 - Atlanta, GA
On behalf of Georgia Tech Postdoctoral Services:
We would like to extend congratulations to the winning presenters from the 7th Annual Georgia Tech Postdoctoral Research Symposium that was held on Friday, March 18, 2022.
Best Talk Overall:
- Carlo Andrea Riccardo Perini, Materials Science and Engineering, "Halide perovskite photovoltaics: Tailoring interfaces to maximize the energy yield"
Best Lightning Talk Overall:
- Daniel Vallejo, Chemistry and Biochemistry. "Native protein structures and stabilities at nanomolar and picoliter quantities using triboelectric nanogenerator ion mobility-mass spectrometry"
Best Research Talk from the College of Engineering:
- Jingyan Wang, Industrial and Systems Engineering, "Modeling and correcting bias in sequential evaluation"
Best Lightning Talk from the College of Engineering:
- Emily McGuinness, Materials Science and Engineering, "Creating hybrid organic-inorganic membranes through vapor phase infiltration for separations in expanded solvent environments"
Best Research Talk from the College of Sciences:
- Olatomiwa Bifarin, Chemistry and Biochemistry, "Lipidome dynamics in an ovarian cancer mouse model"
Best Lightning Talk from the College of Sciences:
- John Erich Christian, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, "Are marine-terminating glaciers retreating due to climate change or natural variability?"
Thank you to the Executive Vice President for Research, the Deans of Engineering and Sciences, and the Vice Provost for Graduate and Postdoctoral Education for sponsoring the awards. We also want to extend a special thanks to all postdocs who presented and served as judges for their peers.