Welcome to the First-year Chemistry Program at Georgia Tech! Here, you can learn more about the program and resources available to promote student success. Please take a look around and contact us if you have questions.
The First-year Chemistry Program includes three courses and serves as many as three thousand students per academic year. We offer both a one-semester course for engineers and other majors that will not take additional chemistry (General Chemistry, CHEM 1310) and a two-semester sequence for students who will take more advanced courses in chemistry or biochemistry (Chemical Principles I and II, CHEM 1211K and 1212K). More details on each course are available on their dedicated pages.
All three courses include a linked laboratory component. Laboratories meet weekly in state-of-the-art facilities on the fifth floor of the Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons.
Resources for Academic Success in First-year Chemistry
Advanced Placement, SAT II, and International Bacclaureate Credit