Karel Nederveen announced in October, 2008 that Prof. Mostafa El-Sayed has been awarded the 2009 Ahmed Zewail Prize in Molecular Sciences. The joint recommendation of the voting committee, consisting of nine (9) authorities in the field, guided the jury to this decision.

The Jury (David Clary, Mitchio Okumura, Richard Saykally, Villy Sundstrom and Ahmed Zewail) decided to award the prize to Prof. El-Sayed for his seminal contributions to the understanding of the electronic and molecular dynamics and properties of systems with different length scales, ranging from molecules to nanoparticles to biomedical systems.

On behalf of the Jury, Karel Nederveen (Publisher of Physical & Theoretical Chemistry) would like to thank everyone for supporting the Prize, submitting and supporting ominations, and help in selecting an outstanding winner!

Congratulations, Prof. El-Sayed!