We are pleased to announce the availability of funds to support travel so that undergraduate researchers in Chemistry or Biochemistry can present their work at conferences. This is a wonderful way to network with other researchers, potential graduate schools, and future employers. It will also give you an enhanced view of what is hot in research!
The School of Chemistry and Biochemistry will provide awards of up to $400 to partially support the documented travel costs of attending a conference (national or regional meeting) where you are presenting. It is expected that you will secure at least $250 from another source in order to be eligible for such an award. These matching funds could come from your PI, student government (SGA), PURA or the College of Sciences – see https://cosinfo.gatech.edu/cosuctg. You need not have secured the matching funds before applying to the School for an award.
To apply for a School of Chemistry and Biochemistry travel award, complete the application form and submit it to Prof. Angus Wilkinson by email (aw42@gatech.edu). You will be notified within two weeks of your request. We anticipate making 3 awards each semester on a first-come, first-served basis. Students can only receive one award per academic year.
Please note that to make use of the award you must follow all policies applicable to travel on GT business and you will only be reimbursed for eligible expenses. You should work with Ms. Danyelle Storey as you arrange travel to ensure compliance with GT policy. She can also help with the required spend authorization and reimbursement. Key points: You must have an approved “spend authorization” in Workday before you travel. You must have receipts for meeting registration, all forms of transportation (air, uber, train etc) and lodging. By law, we can not reimburse expenses associated Airbnb, VRBO etc.
For questions about this program, contact Prof. Angus Wilkinson.