June 01, 2020

I am writing to express what I am sure are shared sentiments: pain and anger at George Floyd’s senseless killing and at systemic inequity and injustice that have gone on for too long.

Our work is to improve the human condition and create a better world. That work and that world begin in our own community, through cultivating equity, seeing and addressing prejudice, listening to and speaking up for one another, and continuing to work together to create justice and opportunities for all people.

The College of Sciences stands firmly as your ally. Please keep talking, listening and advocating with us. Please keep your eyes, hands, hearts, and minds trained on this work and this fragile world of ours. We are all needed to strengthen our shared humanity.

— Susan Lozier, Dean and Betsy Middleton and John Clark Sutherland Chair

Please continue to reach out to professors and staff to talk. We are here for you and with you, today and every day. If you would like to talk to someone at Tech outside of the College, please visit counseling.gatech.edu to connect. If you have ideas for the College, please email communication@cos.gatech.edu to share them.

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