Amit R. Reddi
Contact Information
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- (404) 385-1428
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- (404) 894-7452
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- IBB 3313
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Amit R. Reddi
Vasser Woolley Faculty Fellowship, 2021
Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching Class of 1934 Award, 2021
CTL/BP Junior Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, 2019
Bergmann Memorial Award, US-Israel Binational Science Foundation, 2018
Blanchard Professorship, 2016
NSF CAREER Award, 2015
Arturo Leone Young Investigator Award, 2012
Cell Biology of Metals Young Investigator Award, 2011
NIH NRSA Post-doctoral Fellowship, 2008-2011
Pegram Award for Excellence in Graduate Research, 2008
Distinction in the Doctoral Dissertation, 2008
Protein Design Symposium Young Investigator Award, 2007
NSF GK-12 Graduate Fellowship, 2005-2007
Miller Award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching, 2005
Distinction in the Chemistry Major, 2003
Finholt Prize in Inorganic Chemistry, 2003
Sigma Xi Grants-In-Aid-of-Research Grant, 2003
NIH Cancer Research Training Award Fellowship, 1999-2001
B.A., Carleton College, 2003; Ph.D., Columbia University, 2008; NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University, 2013
Metalloproteins constitute one of the largest classes of proteins in the proteome and are involved in virtually every metabolic and signaling pathway of consequence to human health and disease. Broadly speaking, the Reddi laboratory is interested in determining the cellular, molecular, and chemical mechanisms by which metalloproteins are activated by cells, and once activated, how they communicate with other biomolecules to promote normal metabolism and physiology, placing an emphasis on systems relevant to cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, and infectious diseases. Current projects in the lab are focused on elucidating heme trafficking pathways and the role of Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1) in redox signaling. Prospective students will get broad training in disciplines that span modern biochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, biophysics, chemical biology, molecular genetics, and cell biology.