David Gaul
Contact Information
- david.gaul@chemistry.gatech.edu
- Phone
- (404)385-0377
- Location
- EBB 4023
- Research Group
- Fernandez Research Group

David Gaul
Senior Research Scientist/Systems Mass Spectrometry Core Director
- Union Camp Fellowship - 1996;
- Molecular Design Institute Fellowship - 1995-1998;
- Sigma Xi Thesis Recognition Award 1998;
- Research Faculty Teaching Fellowship 2021-2022
B.S., Chemistry, James Madison University, 1993
Ph.D., Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1998
My research focuses on analysis of small molecules in complex matrices, such as biofluids, cells, or tissues, with mass spectrometry. I have strong interest in systemic metabolomic profile perturbations due to disease (ovarian, prostate, renal cancers), to injury (traumatic brain injury), to “healthy choices” (exercise), or to other study factors (predator signaling). Metabolite changes have potential utility in diagnostic, prognostic, systemic monitoring in healthcare as strides are made toward personalized medicine. One of the challenges in metabolomics is comparing results between labs, instruments, and/or operators. I have participated in working groups and ring trials to understand best practices and harmonization of methods to improve inter-laboratory comparison. Additionally, I serve as the lead for the global lipidomics chemical analysis site at Georgia Tech formed under the NIH funded molecular transducers of physical activity consortium (MoTrPAC). MoTrPAC conducts mul ti-omic investigations into the changes due to physical exercise either from acute or chronic bouts. Based on many years of metabolomics experience, I co-developed the graduate metabolomics course with Professor Facundo Fernández.
I direct the metabolomics/lipidomics services utilizing high resolution mass spectrometry offered in the Systems Mass Spectrometry Core (SyMS-C) here at Georgia Tech. My team offers a range of qualitative and quantitative analytical mass spectrometry assays, which include PK studies, metabolomic profiling, MS imaging, along with supporting synthetic projects. SyMS-C is really a research core seeking to be active partners to drive research forward.