Nearly 50 College of Sciences faculty are receiving Center for Teaching and Learning awards for excellence in teaching.
College of Sciences faculty research papers and student theses are spotlighted by the Georgia Tech chapter of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society.
Professor emeritus Alfred Merrill is honored for impressive contributions to studies of sphingolipids: organic materials responsible for cell development and messaging
CoS teaching assistants are among those listed in year-end honors by the Center for Teaching and Learning.
New faculty members include Dean Susan Lozier.
Season 3 of the College of Sciences podcast ScienceMatters launches with new stories of curiosity and discovery.
Chris Reinhard talks about the search for more clues about early Earth and potential Earths among the exoplanets near our solar system.
Amanda Stockton's NASA-related astrobiology work is the focus of ScienceMatters Season 3 Episode 3.
School of Mathematics Professor Rafael de la Llave's number crunching for NASA is the focus of ScienceMatters Season 3 Episode 4
ScienceMatters Season 3, Episode 5 is all about Sally Ng and environmental aerosols.