W+iC Monthly Events
Monthly Engagements: The W+iC Monthly Engagements give the opportunity to for the W+iC community to socialize and network. Once a month we get together for snacks and some activity, such as candle-making, potting plants, decorating mugs, and more. Food and drinks almost always provided.
Lunch and Learns: These events are meant to foster scientific discussion in a stress-free setting. Lunch and Learns vary from invited academic or industry speakers and panels to the opportunity for gender-minority students to practice their candidacy talks. Food provided.
W+iC Career Development Retreat
Each spring, W+iC puts together a career development retreat with speakers and workshops focused on career development. The retreat gives the W+iC community a focused time to make connections and work towards individual and community growth.
W+iC Travel Awards
W+iC offers annual travel awards in the amount of $500 each for W+iC community members to attend conferences for academic and career advancement. Each round of travel award competitions will be announced by email.
W+iC Outreach Events
W+iC partners with organizations in the Atlanta community to participate in outreach events as they come up, such as the Georgia Elementary School Science Olympiad.
*W+iC is always looking for ideas for additional programming. Please email us (wic@chemistry.gatech.edu) with any suggestions.