Nine month after courses first moved to a virtual format, chemistry faculty and students reflect on the unexpected teaching and education discoveries from virtual learning.
Chemists and materials scientists team up to investigate the nature of electrochemically induced charges in redox-active conjugated polymers.
NSF and NASA-funded Georgia Tech-based center completes its 10-year run with a deep impact on origins of life studies — and a cadre of early career scientists ready to take the reins on future research efforts
Postdocs María Coronel and Rebecca Donegan helping to improve the odds against disease with assist Beckman Coulter Foundation and Dasher Endowment
Honor helps School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Biological Sciences assistant professor keep studying marine natural products while developing related new curricula for undergraduates
Georgia Tech researchers discuss findings of Covid-19 mask study, analyzing the filtration performance of commercially available materials.
Researchers at Georgia Tech have uncovered new insights into the fabrication of carbon membranes that have the potential to drive significant cost savings once the solution for xylene isolation separation is scaled for industrial use.
Natalie Stingelin discusses her role at IMat and the importance of organic materials for future electronics.
Learn about new Tech Fee-powered equipment and resources, and hear from Analytical Chemistry Lab instructors about how they’re using new instruments to advance their curriculum and the impact of these on students' career preparation.
Lieberman is first chair of the Kelly Sepcic Pfeil, Ph.D. Faculty Endowment, an alumna-funded effort designed to increase the number of women faculty in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and help narrow the gender gap in STEM degrees, careers